Friday, August 7, 2009

本地教育制度製造出來的 Pariah

我喜愛的手造書媽媽教她兒子做循環紙,小男孩認真地製造紙張,我把網址給了剛巧和我在 MSN 聊的 ABC 朋友……

Corra says:
these kids are really tough
they know how to make recycle paper already
A says:
cheh.....we learnt it in school when we were 8 la
Corra says:
how come i've never?
A says:
its part of our schooling
we learn how to recycle and global warming in primary school adi
Corra says:
A says:
all you chinese school. only learn about maths and physics 
and not about the environment
Corra says:
thats true
A says: 
thats why you see in the photos, its all white kids. you don't see any asian kids making recycle paper


他媽的本地填鴨式教育害我變 pariah.

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