Wednesday, October 24, 2007


大老闆今天35 嵗生日(gosh 我都忘記他多老了),按照澳洲風俗,生日者請吃。我們故意把會議安排在靠近午飯時間,要他在會議后請我們吃頓勁的,會議時間 11:30pm,他 12:30pm 竟都還沒離開辦公室,我撥電話給他,請看以下對話:

me: you purposely didn't want to pay for our lunch issit?
alvin: nola, guys here bought me cake...
me: then you didn't want to pay for our lunch issit?
alvin: nola, i see you guys later la...
me: according to Aussie rule you have to buy us lunch you know?
alvin: hahaha, issit? which country are we in now ar?
me: hahaha, i confirm it is ar... doesn't matter which country we are in now wert... our company based in Aussie anyway...
alvin: hahahaha ok la ok la, later i buy you all tea lar.. buy you all tea better.
me: hahaha... ok lar we all let you buy us tea ler then...

他就是因爲這樣而對 LC 說:“You call me boss? You make me buy you lunch, make me work for you, make me work on this and that... isn't that you that's the boss?!”


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