Sunday, March 2, 2008

二弄 Into the Wild

This is a very disturbing show.

我沒有料到,我昨晚睡覺前,思考的是 Into The Wild 裏的劇情伸延。也沒有料到,今天早上乍醒后第一個思考的,也是 Into the Wild 裏面說的某句話。 我們外出吃早餐,不經意提起的,也是 Into the Wild,走著逛的時候,忽然 cracked out 的,也是 Into the Wild.

同意。That's why, never, ever, ever! Take things for granted.

"And if you want something in life, reach out your hand and grab it."

“When you forgive, you love.”

"Do your folks knows where you are?"
Jane 擡起他的下巴輕聲地問,那一刻我也想哭。

He has got nothing to lose - therefore he made it to the end; He has everything to lose - therefore he couldn't make it in the end.

經典的 - 成 也 蕭 何 , 敗 也 蕭 何。

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